Sunday, May 22, 2011

Body Fantasies Signature Cotton Candy Body Spray

I have to say I fell in love with this body spray a while ago.  Several years ago (okay probably like 7 years ago)  I found a mini one in the travel size section at my local Walmart and decided to try it for traveling.   The smell is totally delicious.  Who doesn't want to smell like sweet cotton candy?  It is nice and sweet but not overwhelmingly so.  I do like to mix and match scents (I wear at least 2 if not more different perfumes/body sprays daily) so especially when mixing it is not overwhelming.

The price is cheap and the scent is great.  It lasts well on clothing, less well on skin.  Those are the good aspects.

I've really started to re-evaluate many aspects of my life in the last few years and one area is the things that are in what I put into and on my body.  I've been interested in naturals and organics for years but haven't yet taken the step towards exclusively using those types of products.

However, it may be time to at least give this product up.  Not only is Walmart the main retailer, but also as I read the ingredients for the first time probably ever, I find out that it contains BHT.  Which has been linked to cancer and also is in embalming fluid, among other things.   It doesn't sounds too healthy to use something on my body that they also use to help preserve dead bodies.  That's just creepy.

Too bad I have a full bottle left!  At least it's not a lot of money wasted.  I'll just have to go on a crusade to find something more natural that smells just as yummy.


Scent: 5 (Absolutely delicious!)
Health: 0 (Apparently not at all.)
Stay-ability: 3 (Lasts decently on skin and better on clothes)
Overall: 2.5 :(

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